Tantric Massage Courses

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Tantric massage is known as sexual healing because of the great impact it has in healing old wounds and deep sexual blockages. Tantra is a mystical current that human beings have practiced since millenary civilizations. Part of this spiritual path involves massages that activate sexual energy to transform it into a subtle energy that releases traumas, and heals sexual disorders such as anorgasmia, vaginitis or frigidity in women, or erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia or premature ejaculation in men.

Tantric Massage for Men

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Learn how to give tantra massage for men, the secrets of tantrism and sexual yoga techniques that elevate male sexual energy. Among all the secrets of tantrism, Lingam massage is one of the most powerful to stimulate the male genital area, and the G-spot, through anal massage of prostate.

Tantric Massage for Women

sexual massage for women

Learn tantra massage for women, a journey into multiorgasmia and the release of sexual blocks. Discover Yoni massage, the most erogenous areas of female anatomy and the sexual magic that raises that energy throughout the body causing different types of orgasms.

Tantric Massage for Couples

tantra for couples

Tantra massage for couples is a ritual of mutuality, in which sensuality, eroticism and much love are shared. The objective of Tantra goes much further than physical pleasure, and seeks a connection, a harmony between both participants. It does not matter if it is a man-woman, man-man or woman-woman couple, male and female energy is in each person, we just have to balance those energies.

Tantric Based Erotic Massage

erotic massage workshops

A very powerful tool is the tantra-based erotic massage. The sensual massage brings to the tantric ritual an intense sexual charge, which raises the energy of root chakras, which allows to raise that energy transforming it into sensations, pleasure and body, emotional and spiritual awareness. Lingam and Yoni massage can be turned into mahabakti (oral tantric sex) or maituna (tantric sex).

Professional Erotic Massage

Here you have an example of professional erotic massage in Ibiza at artmassageibiza.com and their tantric masseuses in the island.
